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D 1 - Division I sports level. Student athletes that attend college or university. These athletic programs tend to have high amounts of financial support. Athletes are selected through a highly competitive process.
D 2 - Division II sports level. Student athletes that attend college or university. These athletic programs do not have as much financial support as D I programs. Athletes are just as competitive as D I athletes, making the process very competitive.
D 3 - Division III sports level. Student athletes that attend college or university. These athletic programs do not offer student athletes athletic aid, they work with the school to offer academic aid. Not as competitive as D I or D II programs.

NCAA Information
Student Athletes at small private colleges. These programs help international athletes looking to student and compete in the US. The NAIA D I is equal to NCAA D II level programs. Competitive programs are offered, and athletic scholarships for student athletes.

NAIA Information
Student Athletes who attend a junior college have short term as a collegiate athlete. These programs offer two years of experience that can serve as an entry level program for students looking to play at in a NCAA or NAIA program. These programs have funds to offer student athletes and are not as selective as NCAA or NAIA programs.

NJCAA Information